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Monday, May 3, 2010

Ms. Producer: New Beginnings

Ever since I graduated from James Madison University, nearly one year ago, things are the exact opposite of how I thought they would be. I pictured myself, hanging my fancy diploma, getting a few job offers writing for newspapers or magazines, maybe even online.....and not living in Virginia.

I was graduating, it was a new world, and I wanted a change.

Now flash forward to May 2010....I am working as a TV in a tiny, but very homey apartment with my sister (love you Gwennie!) and in Virginia.

While this might seem disappointing based on my previous's actually quite the opposite. Things have a funny way of working out, which I believe even more so after all of this.

It was August of last year and I was still struggling to find a job. I couldn't believe how hard it was and how many places I had applied yet still didn't have anything definite. Then I got a phone call from my former internship boss saying a position was open editing, would I be interested?

Now granted, I edited very little in my days as an intern. I was too busy writing and going out on stories.. which at the time I thought was more important. Little did I know, that job would start my career. I took it, after much thought, and said why not? I loved the people there so I knew it couldn't be too bad. I picked up the editing way faster than I thought. My first day of training, I just kept thinking, what did I sign up for?

But a few months later, opportunity came knocking yet again. And yet again it was my boss. This time, as the last, I was caught completely off guard. "What do you think about producing the 11 o'clock show?" My reaction: :o

Of course I said yes, jumping at the chance to be at the helm. And here I am a few short months later....producing television!!! producing television!!! (It needed another for added emphasis)

So this blog will allow me to share what it's like behind the news, in front of the camera, and the drama that unfolds with the unpredictability of this world. It's new for me too, so if you know nothing about it, it's ok...I plan to teach you! If do you know something about broadcast, well you will nod your head and go, yep been there.

Comment, ask, discuss.

It's all welcome here.


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